


















【非洲真的很少受到冠狀病毒的影響嗎?還是只是因為缺乏檢測?】 看非洲網民的回答。 ----------分割線---------- Zipho Tefu· Upvoted by Mohamad Reza 【答主】 Less infected? Yes. Less affected? Heck no! I』m speaking from the perspective of a South African, one of the more developed African countries which has just gone into lockdown, and let me tell you something many people from first world countries fail to understand. Social distancing is a privilege. Read that again. 感染較少?對。 受影響較小?見鬼去吧! 我是從南非的角度講的,南非是非洲比較發達的國家之一,剛剛進入封鎖狀態,讓我告訴你一些很多第一世界國家的人無法理解的事情。 安全距離是一種特權。 再說一遍。 The ability to isolate yourself from those around is a privilege many people have taken for granted. It means you have a house large enough to do so. I』m privileged enough to practice social distancing. Something that isn』t possible when you live here: 把自己和周圍的人隔離開來的能力是許多人認為理所當然的權利。這意味著你有一棟足夠大的房子。我有足夠的特權支持你的安全距離。當你住在這裡不可能的事情: ... That’s the Alexandra township in Johannesburg South Africa. Hand-washing is a privilege too. It means you have access to running water. Do you think there are bathrooms in the shacks pictured above? Hand-sanitizer is a privilege. It means you have money to buy it. LOCKDOWNS ARE A PRIVILEGE. It means you can afford to be at home. Many South Africans live paycheck to paycheck. Many South Africans have families to feed and no income to do so. Many South Africans will have to make the decision between starving to death at home or going outside and getting the coronavirus or worse, getting arrested. Most of the ways to ward off the coronavirus are only accessible to the affluent. Transport services such as taxis have been shut down. This creates a problem for those living in places such as this: 在南非約翰內斯堡的亞歷山德拉鎮。 洗手是一種特權 這意味著你可以得到自來水。你認為上圖中的小屋裡有浴室嗎? 洗手液是一種特權。 意思是你有錢買。 隔離是一種特權。 這意味著你可以在家。許多南非人過著月光族的生活。許多南非人要養家餬口,卻沒有收入。許多南非人將不得不做出決定,要麼在家裡餓死,要麼外出,要麼感染冠狀病毒,甚至更糟,要麼被捕。 大多數抵禦冠狀病毒的方法只有富人才能使用。 計程車等交通服務已被關閉。這給那些生活在這樣的地方的人帶來了一個問題: ... To travel to the town and stock up on basic essentials or receive medical attention. The South African economy is crumbling fast. Much faster than the American economy which went into lockdown before us. The Rand to the Dollar is plummeting at an incredible rate. Small business owners such as my parents will have no income during this indefinite time period. And don』t get me started on education. All educational facilities have temporarily shut down and will soon implement online classes, including my university. This creates a problem for those without internet connection who may now fail their year. Or those who cannot afford to buy a laptop. And as aforementioned, South Africa is one of the MOST developed African countries. Many Africans don』t have access to or can』t afford healthcare in this time. In essence, a disease that was spread by the rich as they flew around the globe will now kill millions of the poor. And some Americans are busy complaining about their 「ruined」 spring break. I miss the homies too, but I』ll miss my grandma a lot more. Is Africa less infected? Yes. Is it less affected? HELL NO! 去城裡儲備基本必需品或接受醫療護理。南非經濟正在快速崩潰,比在我們之前進入隔離期的美國要快得多。蘭特兌美元匯率正以令人難以置信的速度直線下跌。在這段不確定的時間裡,像我父母這樣的小企業主將沒有收入。別和我談教育。所有的教育設施都暫時關閉了,很快就會開設網上課程,包括我所在的大學。這給那些沒有網絡的人或者買不起筆記本電腦的人,帶來了一個問題,他們今年可能無法上課。如前所述,南非是非洲最發達的國家之一。在這個時候,許多非洲人無法獲得或負擔不起醫療保健。從本質上講,一種由富人在全球範圍內傳播的疾病,現在將奪去數百萬窮人的生命。一些美國人忙著抱怨他們的春假被毀了。我也想念我的家人,但我更想念我的奶奶。非洲受感染少嗎?是的。它受到的影響較小嗎?想多了! ----------回復---------- Farimah Fiddy 22h ago · 21 upvotes including Zipho Tefu Terrific answer. An abundance of perspective. 很棒的回答。豐富的視角。 Lex Avila 8h ago · 2 upvotes including Zipho Tefu Hi Zephu. This is a lot like the Philippines. Many of my countrymen live on a hand-to-mouth existence. The government has released financial assistance to help with their survival amidst the crisis. Has the South African government done the same there? Anyway, all the best to you and your family. Keep safe. 嗨Zephu。這很像菲律賓。我的許多同胞過著勉強餬口的生活。政府已經發放了財政援助,以幫助他們在危機中生存。南非政府在那裡做過同樣的事情嗎?不管怎樣,祝你和你的家人一切順利。保持安全。 Zipho Tefu Original Author · 5h ago · 1 upvote Yes, our government is also trying to take action to relieve financial stress, but unfortunately some people in very rural areas are difficult to reach out to 是的,我們的政府也在努力採取行動來緩解財政壓力,但不幸的是,在非常偏遠的地區,有些人很難接觸到這些政策。 Shanfa Chaiyadi 9h ago · 3 upvotes including Zipho Tefu Same issues like we have here in Indonesia. Which is why our president is still hesitant in implementing lockdown. 同樣的問題在印尼也有。這就是為什麼我們的總統在實施封鎖時仍然猶豫不決。 Alia Shahid 9h ago · 4 upvotes including Zipho Tefu 」In essence, a disease that was spread by the rich as they flew around the globe will now kill millions of the poor.」 Wow, I never thought of it that way. Thank you for putting things in perspective. Interesting share. 「從本質上講,一種由富人在全球範圍內傳播的疾病,現在將奪走數百萬窮人的生命。」哇,我從來沒這麼想過。謝謝你讓事情變得有意義。有趣的分享。 Hanlie Wessels 10h ago · 2 upvotes including Zipho Tefu Come on. You know there's no way the people in the townships are tested. That's like, half of Gauteng. Realistically, there's no way anyone will ever know how infected South Africa was. 來吧。你知道,鎮里的人沒地方去接受檢測。這是豪登省的一半。實際上,沒有人知道南非是會受到什麼影響。 Dhairya Bapodra 7h ago · 1 upvote from Zipho Tefu I guess same goes with many south Asian countries too…. 我猜很多南亞國家也一樣。 Molemo Kgoele 4h ago · 2 upvotes including Zipho Tefu A study in America found that atleast over 75% of the countries workers there are living paycheck to paycheck and that atleast 70–80% of Americans have some form of debts. That’s more than enough to shake their economy during a serious lockdown. Yeah I know their most of those people in that percentage aren』t exactly living in poverty, but that doesn』t mean that a lockdown won』t hurt so many who are in debt and living paycheck to paycheck. We all know the American lockdown wasn』t really much of a lockdown like SA’s one. People were prantzing around as if nothing was wrong in America. Their beaches were still full and their people were still huddling up in most places. Thats why their coronavirus cases increased so much faster and harder than any other countries one. America’s economy will also be hurt once it’s forced to truly take coronavirus seriously. 美國的一項研究發現,至少有75%以上的美國工人靠工資生活,至少有70-80%的美國人有某種形式的債務。這足以在嚴重的封鎖期間動搖他們的經濟。是的,我知道這個比例中的大多數人並沒有生活在貧困中,但這並不意味著禁閉不會傷害到那麼多負債的人,也不會傷害到那些靠工資生活的人。我們都知道美國的禁閉並不像南非那樣嚴格。人們趾高氣揚地走來走去,好像美國沒有什麼問題似的。他們的海灘仍然人滿為患,大多數地方的人們仍然擠在一起。這就是為什麼他們的冠狀病毒病例比其他國家增長得更快、更嚴重的原因。一旦美國被迫認真對待冠狀病毒,它的經濟也會受到傷害。 Natale Cupiello 1h ago · 2 upvotes including Zipho Tefu Hello, your answer if filled with sensible points, but it also permeated by an anger that I don't understand whom it is directed to. 你好,你的回答雖然很有道理,但也充滿了一種我不明白是針對誰的憤怒。 Zipho Tefu Original Author · 1h ago · 1 upvote Not anger. Just disappointment towards those capable yet unwilling to quarantine. 而不是憤怒。只是對那些有能力卻不願隔離的人感到失望。 Aguolu Kingsley 15h ago · 2 upvotes including Zipho Tefu None of those images represent Africa, Africa is not a slump please. Theres a chance that we have less cases in Africa cause of immunity and Climate especially in Nigeria. The world should come and learn a thing or two from our performance so far 這些圖片都不代表非洲,請別讓非洲陷入衰退。在非洲,由於免疫和氣候的原因,特別是在奈及利亞,病例可能會減少。世界應該從我們目前的表現中學到一些東西 Zipho Tefu Original Author · 5h ago · 3 upvotes I live in a large 6 bedroom house with a perfect view of the whole of Cape Town, i am fully aware that Africa isn』t just a slump. But instead of getting offended, maybe you should realize that many Africans don』t have the same privilege as us, typing away from our laptops and smartphones. Let’s not be ignorant. And no. Don't get arrogant, because I promise you once the disease hits those squatter camps our infections will skyrocket. 我住在有6間臥室的大房子裡,可以看到整個開普敦的美景,我很清楚非洲並不是一片蕭條。但是,與其被冒犯,也許你應該意識到,許多非洲人並沒有和我們一樣的條件能用筆記本和手機打字。我們不要無知。千萬不要。不要得瑟,我向你保證,一旦疾病襲擊了那些棚戶區,我們的感染會激增。 Shayne O'Neill 9h ago · 3 upvotes including Zipho Tefu Ironically due to previous experiences with quarantining Ebola , the west African nations might do better than the more developed nations to the easy and south. 具有諷刺意味的是,由於以往隔離伊波拉病毒的經驗,西非國家可能比東部和南部更發達的國家做得更好。








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